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Confidence in climate science remains strong, poll shows

"Survey shows 71% of Britons are concerned about climate, despite hacked emails, failure at Copenhagen and cold weather"

Category: Climate Change


The oil spill and credit crunch were bad. An oil crunch would be worse

"Small print of BP Statistical Review of World Energy is troubling"

Category: Energy sources


Space saver: the scientist who aims to get rid of space junk

Space is dangerously full of junk, but how to clean it up? A special mirrored 'sail' may prove to be the answer

Category: Space


Smart clothes offer emotional aid

Smart clothes could soon be helping their wearers cope with the stresses of modern life.

Category: Robotics


Australia orders Google 'privacy breach' investigation

The Australian police have been ordered to investigate Google for possible breach of privacy while taking pictures for its Street View service.

Category: Communications

Displaying results 651 to 655 out of 2977